Monday, May 31, 2010

Web 2.0 C'est finis!

Well, Web 2.0 is over, and likely so are the updates to this blog. It's been swell.

Gotta say I like LibraryThing and am pleased with how easy Wikipedia is to edit.

Also, for me (and really, who else counts?), RSS feeds and Tweeting are wastes of time.

Gotta dash now. Facebook is waiting for me. Cheers!

Web 2.0 - Week Eleven - further thoughts

I really have to say that requiring me to restrict the number of characters I use in a Twitter update to only 144 is a serious pain in the a

Web 2.0 - Week Eleven

Today's reflection, all about Twits and Twittering: Armed with a bit of knowledge about what Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on this fast growing online phenomenon.

Okay, we've gone from totally cool (LibraryThing) to total waste of time and bytes. Yeah, I know I'm probably in the minority, but I really don't care what got caught between Ashton Kutcher's teeth this morning. The searching aspect may be neat, but given that you get 99.99% hits that are of no consequence, who the aich-ee-double-hockey-sticks cares?

As for updates as to people I do care about, well, Facebook does a much nicer job of this.

Armed with a bit of knowledge about what Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on this fast growing online phenomenon.

All the power and my blessings to those who enjoy it. It ain't my cup of tea. Having explored it today more than I ever have in the past, my opinion ain't changin'.

Web 2.0 - Week Ten

Week Ten already? It feels like I just posted for weeks eight and nine, and I'm sure the next couple will just fly by! :)

So the topic we're concerning ourselves with today is: LibraryThing!

Now... this is something I really knew nothing about. I had heard about it but beyond knowing it existed, really didn't know much else.

Question: Do you see any practical applications for LibraryThing either at home or at work? Will you start using this site?

I have decided I love it! Yes, I will definitely be using it. I've been looking for a quick, convenient way to catalogue my books at home, and this totally fits the bill! Very simple, easy to use and convenient for my home use. I don't see any immediate applications for work (Symphony still has it beat)... but you never know. :)

It's something I'm gonna be recommending far and wide. Thanks for letting me know about this!

PS... Welcome Kari! Thanks for helping to lead the charge!

Web 2.0 - Week Nine

Online Productivity Tools....

This time, I'll focus on Google once again, because I'm an avid user of Google Calendar and have used Google Docs.

This week's reflection: Do you see yourself using these tools or will you stick to more traditional methods. If you were to use one of these tools regularly, which would it be and why?

Google Calendar has replaced my daytimer. The reason I've totally embraced it is because I live and die by my Blackberry, and it will automatically sync up with Google Calendar. GC is easier to use and update at work or on my home laptop, but on the go I will update my life on the Blackberry, and am confident that GC is automatically up to date.

Google Docs I tend to use less, as I have the Microsoft Office products available to me. That said, it has been useful for its centralized storage abilities, particularly when more people than I alone are working on a document.

Web 2.0 - Week Eight

Flickr and YouTube... This week's reflection:

Comment on the quality, entertainment value, or usefulness of the content on these sites.

I'm not a huge user of Flickr - I have never been one for posting my own photos (except every now and then on Facebook) and not one for scrolling through others'. That said, I have found it helpful to hunt for images for various purposes. It is an amazing archive, but one I tend to go to only after checking out Google images.

YouTube is another matter altogether. :) I'm an avid user of YouTube both for entertainment and research/information purposes. Some of the recent things I've been up to on YouTube - practicing my Spanish listening skills by watching episodes of the Mexican versions of the TV shows "Wipeout" ("Resbalon") and "The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel"). Also checking out old favourites like the literal version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart".

Friday, April 30, 2010

Web 2.0 - Week Seven

RSS feeds - what a waste of time. :)

Not a huge fan of blogs at the best of times, sadly. There's only one that I follow regularly (not counting the CPL Web 2.0 blog and this one) - and thus consolidating them into one site does nothing for me. I'd much rather read them in the form that God and the blogger intended them to be read.

That said, it's good to know more about RSS and what it can do - it's a valuable service for bloggees more active than myself. And our job is all about sharing knowledge, isn't it?

Questions of the Week:

Were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed? -- Yup. Easy peasy.

If not, where did you run into problems? -- No problems.

If you were successful, does this make information-gathering more convenient for you? -- Nope. See above.